AA speed survey finds drivers want consultations on speed limits

An AA Populous survey of over 24,000 members found that more than two thirds of respondents want to be consulted before 20mph speed limits are imposed on the streets where they live.

The survey, which focused on the 20mph speed limit, is being increasingly used in streets across the country which could reduce accidents. Key areas where a 20mph limit is introduced include near to schools and hospitals, where vulnerable people are more likely to be using the roads.

The AA also found that those whose regular journeys might be affected by a lower speed limit wanted to be consulted first.

The motoring organisation asked respondents a series of questions about the 20mph limit, and invited them to agree or disagree. Responses were then analysed, with a geographical segmentation added, to see how responses differed across the country.

Speed consultations high on the agenda

Only 32% of respondents agreed with the statement: “20mph speed limits across residential neighbourhoods offer such a great road safety benefit that residents’ views need not be taken into account.” 61% agreed that: “Speed camera enforcement should only be used in 20mph speed limit zones when a specific problem emerges.” And 44% said they would “…support police-approved speed checks carried out by local residents along a 20mph speed limit in my neighbourhood.”

Edmund King, the AA’s president commented: “Neighbourhoods face differing challenges from traffic: some may need to slow down their own residents and reduce the risk of accidents, others have a ‘rat-running’ problem that a 20mph speed limit on its own won’t address.  That is one of the reasons why, not only do 69% of AA members want a say on lower speed limits along their own streets, but 55% of them want to give an opinion on local zones restricted to 20mph.”

Why speed surveys can help

You can see if there is a problem on streets in your locality by conducting a simple traffic speed survey. This survey is designed to look at speed on a certain section of road at various times of the day, giving accurate data on speed and road usage, which is invaluable when consulting with residents and making a decision on speed limit enforcement.

At RDS, we design, conduct and report on a range of specialist road surveys, including speed surveys and traffic surveys, giving you the quality data and advice you need to make the best recommendations or decisions.

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