Parking surveys could help commuter parking

It’s a common problem in key commuter areas – particularly around tube and train stations – but parking surveys could help residents and local people ease the problem of cars clogging the street during the week.

Avoiding parking congestion

For example, Oxford County Council commissioned a parking survey for a specific part of the city where commuters use local street parking which inconveniences local people, makes it difficult for traffic to pass along certain roads and can be dangerous for pedestrians, with no clear line of sight when crossing the road.

Parking surveys like this provide important data with which councils can make decisions such as adding double yellow lines to roads, implementing on-street parking restrictions or even making some roads available for residents’ parking only.

In cases like this, a good quality parking survey will make regular counts of parking in targeted streets at different times of the day and different days of the week. This will give a rounded view of the situation so that councils and other interested parties can see what trends appear and look at the causes of what is effectively parking congestion.

Understanding parking needs

This type of survey is also useful during the planning of new developments, particularly those that will build on existing parking, or are designated for areas where parking is already a problem. Along with an understanding on the impact that additional traffic or changed road routes would have, developers and local planners need to ensure that adequate parking is provided, and consider the impact street parking may have on local residents.

A parking survey is tailored to the needs of the council, developer, business or organisation commissioning it. That means it gathers the data that you need to be aware of, allowing you to make decisions that are based on fact and professional analysis.

Parking surveys from Road Data Services

At RDS, our bespoke parking surveys allow you to see exactly what is happening in the areas you target. With data gathered over a range of times and days, you get a clear picture and accurate data that allows you to take responsible and reasonable decisions.

To find out more about our services, and to ask about creating a parking survey for your requirements, contact Road Data Services today.

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